BirdWeb: Birds Connect Seattle's Guide to the Birds of Washington State
Bird of the Week
Mountain Chickadee
Poecile gambeli
The Black-capped Chickadee may be most familiar to us, but Washington is home to four species of chickadees. Year-round, Mountain Chickadees prefer higher-elevation forests on the east side of the Cascade Mountains. When in the appropriate habitat, listen for a raspy "chickadee-dee," and look for the diagnostic small white "eyebrows."
Birding Site of the Week
Quartermaster Harbor
Puget Trough
Flanked by Vashon and Maury Islands, Quartermaster Harbor offers winter shelter for 35 species of birds, including grebes, loons, mergansers, gulls, and all three species of scoters. Across the isthmus in Tramp Harbor, expect to find many of the same species, including Pacific Loons and Eared Grebes. Spotting scopes may enable you to spot porpoises between Vashon and the mainland.